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Modern life is complex, with many different sources of stress, and alongside work responsibilities many employees are juggling their personal life and health issues with household commitments and caring for others. 

A study by The European Health Interview Survey reported 36% of women take sick leave each year, totalling 16 days.* 

According to a 2021 report published by the House of Lords, the UK has the largest female health gap in the G20, as many women are mistreated or misdiagnosed by our healthcare system.**

Rates of anxiety and depression in women have risen to 26% (compared to just 9% in men) and continue to rise, year on year.**

Examining women’s access to healthcare through their entire life, the report acknowledged that “the NHS remains largely an intervention service, not a prevention service” where “opportunities are often missed to empower women”. **

The impact of female-specific health conditions, such as heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriosis, pregnancy-related issues and the menopause and the effect they can have on workforce participation and productivity is often overlooked. For example, it takes up to 8 years for women to receive an endometriosis diagnosis, with 40% of women needing 10 or more GP appointments before specialist referral.

Although UK female life expectancy is higher than for men, women on average spend less of their life in good health compared to men.


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How I can help you

As an ANP and BANT registered Nutritionist I offer health and wellbeing support for women in the workplace. I offer interactive workshops where your employees will have the chance to ask questions and be given handouts to support their health journey to leave feeling empowered to make healthier choices. I also provide educational sessions with colleagues and management.

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